One of Australia’s leading Universities requires a centralised platform to provide access to large amounts of Telemetry data at different levels, with special attention paid to authentication and authorisation. They asked for our consulting and advice to provide them with the information required to select a vendor for the implementation of the system.
The Challenge
The University has several core internal IT platforms producing telemetry information. Logging and telemetry are currently handled independently for each system, making analysis difficult and time-consuming. The University requires a centralised platform for storage and analysis of system telemetry, collating data from a range of different sources.
While a solution had largely been architected by their internal technical team, the documentation required to allow open tenders had not yet been completed. The high level of the design masked many of the underlying decisions that were required to deliver a performant, scalable solution in line with University expectations and policies.
The Aptira Solution
Aptira was brought in to dig in to the details of the problem and scope a solution. By engaging closely with project stakeholders and taking the time to investigate and clearly document the solution and implementation plan, Aptira made sure the project is set up for success.
An architecture was defined for an ELK implementation (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) hosted in a local OpenStack cloud, and a new Ceph cluster to store the data. Integrations with authentication, monitoring and the initial target data sources were scoped. Over a few short days, the documentation was taken from a two-page overview to a long and detailed description of the requirements, assumptions and acceptance criteria – providing them with enough detailed documentation to proceed to the tender process.
The Result
Our key value proposition is to provide high quality consulting and independent advice across the full range of Cloud and Networking technologies. With the investigations undertaken by our team, the University is now able to approach the market to select a vendor for the implementation of the system, safe in the knowledge that it will meet their needs.
We pride ourselves on remaining independent, providing our customers with the advice and services best suited to their needs – not those that lock them into technology providers. This solution has ensured the University will not be locked into any particular technology or vendor, freeing them to select the most appropriate Vendor to suit their requirements without the restrictions that vendor lock-in often imposes.