As you may have already noticed, many of our Solutionauts like to run. We run in the City to Surf. We run around conferences. We run all up in ur Cloud.
So we recently setup a platform to hold company step challenges. Aptira Solutionauts from all over the world stepped out from behind their computers to take the title of Aptira’s Greatest Stepper! Here’s how it went down.
Farzaneh and John were first out of the gates, with John taking part in a craft beer tour in Manly – racking up lots of steps in-between breweries and downing a few well deserved pints along the way. This is an excellent use for your Aptira bottle opener thongs by the way!
Tom got lost in the Taiwanese mountains while Bharat was transversing the Indian subcontinent and Jarryd hit the beach. Kat came in first out of the girls almost hitting 30k steps and Jess conveniently broke her toe the day before the challenge, coming in last place. Excuses much??

Our winner took first place with an unbelievable 122,578 steps. Seriously Tristan, are you even human?
The next step challenge will be taking place soon. No Tristan’s aloud. Stay tuned to find out who wins!